Docker Java

Creating a minimal Docker image with Glassfish

docker-logoI have been using Docker to run Glassfish in a container and I noticed some news about using Alpine Linux.Apparently, you create much smaller containers with Alpine Linux. This article from Atlassian ( mentioned a minimal base image with OpenJDK.

Since I prefer to use the Oracle JDK with Glassfish 4.1, I ran a few tests myself to compare a phusion baseimage with Alpine Linux.

My Phusion based container produced an image 1130 MB large, while the Alpine Linux based image was only 392 MB. To produce a working application, I used the Primefaces showcase WAR.

I am surprised about the size differences, see the resulting images:

Phusion baseimage + Java 8 + Glassfish 4.1

phusion/baseimage         305 MB
ubuntu-oracle-jdk8        892 MB
koert/glassfish-4.1       1130 MB
koert/glassfish-showcase  1156 MB

Alpine Linux + Java 8 + Glassfish 4.1

frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8       170.8 MB
koert/alpine-glassfish-4.1       391.8 MB
koert/alpine-glassfish-showcase  417.8 MB

My examples at Github