
Quarkus and Angular

I am building an application to keep track of a stock portfolio. This has an Angular front-end with a REST services back-end implemented with Quarkus. The features of the first version: – manually add/remove stocks – retrieve latest prices from Yahoo Finance

This is the architecture of the application:

Project setup

Let us start with an empty project by specifying the extensions on and download the resulting zip. The necessary extension:

  • RESTeasy JAX-R
  • RESTeasy JSON-B

To make sure the development environment works, you start the development mode with Maven:

mvn compile quarkus:dev

In your browser, enter http://localhost:8080/hello and you will see “hello” as a response.

Add Yahoo finance API dependency

The retrieve the latest stock price, I add this dependency:


To get the stock information, including price:

Stock stock = YahooFinance.get(symbol);

Stock REST resource

It will be necessary get the latest stock price through a REST service, so we add the StockResource:

  public Response stock(@PathParam("symbol") String symbol) throws IOException {
    Stock stock = YahooFinance.get(symbol);

    Response response = null;
    if (stock == null) {
      response = Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
    } else {
      StockLatestPriceResponse stockResponse = new StockLatestPriceResponse(stock.getSymbol(), stock.getQuote().getPrice());
      response = Response.ok(stockResponse).build();
    return response;

We can test this by accessing this URL: http://localhost:8080/stocks/AAPL/latestPrice

Angular front-end

To bootstrap the Angular application, run this in the src/main directory:

ng new portfolio --skipGit --routing=true --style=scss

This creates a new directory “portfolio” with the Angular code. I rename that to “angular” to make it obvious that it contains Angular front-end code.

To run the front-end, change directory to the src/main/angular directory and run ng serve. When you enter “http://localhost:4200” in your browser, you will see the example page with “portfolio app is running”.

I add the PrimeNG package – this contains nice user interface components.

npm install --save primeng
npm install --save primeicons
npm install --save @angular/cdk
npm install --save chart.js
npm install --save @fullcalendar/core

Portfolio page

Next I create a Portfolio page to display the list of stocks, and the service to retrieve the latest price.

ng generate component Portfolio
ng generate service Stock

You can see how I implemented the page on my Github repository.

Stock price service

To retrieve the latest stock price, the StockService calls the REST endpoint implemented in Quarkus.

  getStockLatestPrice(symbol: string): Observable<StockLatestPriceResponse> {
    return this.http.get<StockLatestPriceResponse>(`/stocks/${symbol}/latestPrice`);

To check if it works, you can run ng serve again.

You will see errors in the browser console:

GET http://localhost:4200/stocks/AAPL/latestPrice 404 (Not Found)
GET http://localhost:4200/stocks/GOOG/latestPrice 404 (Not Found)

The Angular service expects that the Quarkus service is available at the same URL prefix, and this is http://localhost:4200. The Quarkus service actually lives at http://localhost:8080, so will will need a proxy.proxy.conf.json

  "/stocks": {
    "target": "http://localhost:8080",
    "secure": false

If you have started Quarkus with mvn compile quarkus:dev, then you can start the Angular app with ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json.

Combine Quarkus and Angular

So far, the Quarkus service and Angular application are separated. The Angular production build with ng build --prod produces static files that can be served by Quarkus.

By default, ng build --prod puts all produced files in the dist directory. We want those files in the src/main/resources/META-INF/resources directory. You can change that in the angular.json file:angular.json

  "configurations": {
    "production": {
      "outputPath": "../resources/META-INF/resources",

After running ng build --prod, you can start Quarkus with mvn compile quarkus:dev and load the Angular app with http://localhost:8080/index.html

Running the application

Now we have an application that we can deploy and run. Quarkus gives you the ability to run the application as a native executable. When you build the application with mvn package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true -Dmaven.test.skip, it will build a runner executable that contains everything it needs. This executable starts up very quickly and is great for running in a Docker container.

After building the executable, you can build a Docker image and run it:

docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t quarkus/portfolio .
docker run -i --rm -p 8080:80 quarkus/portfolio

After that, you can access the application at http://localhost:8080/index.html

Docker Java

Packaging a webapp with Docker and Glassfish

As I wrote in a previous article, you can run Glassfish in a Docker container.

The purpose of Docker is to package everything into a container so that you can run your application anywhere in a consistent state. To achieve this with a web application and Glassfish, you package the Java virtual machine (JDK 8), Glassfish 4.1 and your web application together.

I created an example of using my base Glassfish image with the Primefaces showcase war file:

FROM koert/glassfish-4.1
MAINTAINER Koert Zeilstra <>

RUN wget -O /opt/app/deploy/showcase.war

This will download the war file and put it into the /opt/app/deploy directory – the startup script will copy this file into the Glassfish autodeploy directory. When Glassfish starts up, it will automatically deploy the war and you can access the applciation after starting with:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 koert/glassfish-showcase

On my laptop it starts up in about 12 seconds, you can look at the application in your browser: http://localhost:8080/showcase

Look at my example on Github: